Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's not my day but...

I saw that RK Charron didn't post today so I think I'll go ahead and jump right in. (I hope he's doing well. Maybe he's in the same situation I was in.)

We finally got our power turned back on today after five days without any. Let me tell you, living in the dark is really something. We were luckier than most. My parents have a generator. It's not the kind of generator that you can use forever. But it did run the heat and one or two lights at a time. Still, as we couldn't have the lights on wherever we wanted and I was mostly concerned with the children, during the day I spent most of my time in dark rooms, letting the kids use the light for their toys.

Also, it's really something to try to live in someone else's home, especially when they are not there. My parents, lucky dogs, are away right now. The first day we were there, my 2nd son (I have 3 if you are new to this blog) colored all over my mom's leather sofa with marker. After a huge effort on my husband's part to get it out, we gave up and I phoned my mother expecting an explosion. Instead, she was completely wonderful about the whole thing telling me the colorings would always remind her of my son. If it had been me as a child doing that, it would have been another thing all together but this is her grandson and apparently that is different. LOL

Then my dog peed on the bed. I got to call about that too.

At some point, we lost water and when it came back on we received a call from our local police station telling us it was contaminated and we couldn't use it unless we boiled it.

Why did all this happen? Because we had hurricane force winds on Saturday that came and sat over our area for most of the day.

Mother nature was ticked.

Lots and I mean lots of trees came down and telephone poles and transformers. They're still hanging all over the road. Some of our neighbors still don't have power. When the lights came back on last night, people came outside screaming and applauding the power people who were on the block.

It was amazing.

In any case, I think it's safe to say I got my priorities in order. I'm always just going to be grateful to live in the light.

best to all of you

Rebecca Royce


Annie Nicholas said...

I'm glad you're all well. I was worried, especially about the water part.

Catherine Gayle said...

Glad to hear all is well again, Rebecca. I understand a little about the sofa, too. My nephew has been with me most of the week, and I now have red crayon all over the carpet and a few other things. Luckily, they are washable crayons. Hope everyone is doing well.

Wendy S Marcus said...

A few weeks ago I was without power for a day and a half. (Three children 18, 16, 12, husband, and dog.) I CANNOT imagine going without for five days. Glad you made it through!

J Hali Steele said...

"If it had been me as a child doing that..." Oh, I laughed really loud and hard at this part, Rebecca. Grandmothers are another whole breed of animal!! and God Bless them.

Glad your family is safe.

Z(Aasiyah/Nolwynn) said...

Good to hear things are back to normal. Know about the water boiling and all post storm - been through that drill in the past after big cyclones. Thank goodness none in the past decade!

Lol about your mom. I know that feeling too. When we were kids, if my brother and I so much as breathed on my dad's orchids we'd be like grounded forever. My son and bro's daughters? what do you know - they not only 'help' grandpa grow the flowers but they even bring blossoms to us. Yes, cut blossoms (oh blasphemy!!)

Big hugs, happy to hear you're back in the light.